Our land to share with you...

The LANDFLIP NETWORK should be the starting point for anyone buying or selling land, farms, ranches, and lots! We take pride in helping buyers locate the land of their dreams and providing sellers with an easy to use platform for advertising land for sale, farms for sale, ranches for sale, lots for sale, and land auctions. The LANDFLIP BLOG serves as an extension to connect with our audience, share updates, and brag a little bit about our customers, most of whom rank tops in the land industry!

Smart Advertising: A Strong Case for Creating a LANDFLIP Account

Smart Advertising: A Strong Case for Creating a LANDFLIP Account

When it comes to advertising, now more than ever before, you need the biggest bang for your buck. Today, buyers and sellers are turning to the Internet when beginning their property search. By becoming a LANDFLIP advertiser, brokers, agents, auctioneers and private land sellers can get maximum exposure for their land listings on LANDFLIP. Sellers will now get double the exposure for listings under 20 acres, as they will automatically appear on LOTFLIP, our newest complementary site!


Do You Exist in the Social Media World?

Social MediaWithout a doubt, the world of social media is now firmly grounded into the real estate industry. Are you using all social media platforms to market yourself and build your internet presence? Even if you haven’t jumped on board the social media bandwagon, your staunchest competitors have already begun to capitalize on the benefits. That fact alone should light a fire under most of you to start leveraging the social media platforms that are readily available and free of charge. The only invest you need to make is a little time and effort and you should begin to see a solid ROI.


If You Like to Talk Land, the LANDTHINK Community is the Place for You!

As a real estate professional, you’re probably spending a lot of time on the Internet developing your online presence. Nowadays, it’s absolutely essential to growing your reputation and your business. LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook are all great platforms to facilitate professional growth but the LANDTHINK Community is the place land professionals are going to share their love of the land and Get Land Smart! This forum was created so that land professionals nationwide would have an arena to share ideas, create discussion topics, post replies, give reputation to fellow members and meet new people.


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