Want to Become a LANDTHINK Contributor?

Want to Become a LANDTHINK Contributor?

Have you got an idea, opinion or experience about land you’d like to share? Just need a platform? Whether you work in the land industry or you just love land- if you have a written expression about anything land related- we’d love to review it for possible publication on LANDTHINK.com, part of the LANDFLIP network of sites.

Here at LANDTHINK, we’re all about sharing land knowledge. LANDTHINK is an authoritative online resource for advice, knowledge, opinions and trends related to land. We welcome contributions from guest authors- after all, great content doesn’t always have to come from an industry professional! LANDTHINK generates thousands of page views each day, so writing for us will certainly allow you to reach an expansive audience. It can also help you achieve professional goals, as your peers, potential employers, and clients around the globe will see your published work.

We’re pretty laid back around here, but we’ve been doing this for a long time and have established a few guidelines:

  • you must own the rights to the article
  • topic must be relevant to the land industry
  • we prefer that your work is unpublished elsewhere (including personal blogs)
  • no press releases or self promotion
  • we reserve the right to make minor revisions and edits for style and SEO
  • submit as a Word Doc or Google Doc
  • if a topic is lengthy, it can be published as Part 1, 2, and 3, etc.

You can do this! We think you’ll find it very rewarding!

Once you’ve penned that great piece, let us know. And if you have a hi-resolution image to accompany the article, we’ll also need the photo credit information. We do ask for patience, as it might take a few days for our team to review and discuss your article submission and determine if it is a good fit for publication on LANDTHINK.

If it is accepted, we will contact you via email. We look forward to reading your articles and hope to see your work on LANDTHINK soon!

© 2004 - 2025 LANDFLIP, Inc.