Everybody Has an Opinion: LANDTHINK Wants to Hear Yours!

Earlier this month, LANDTHINK.com, LANDFLIP’s sister site that is an authoritative online resource for advice, knowledge, opinions and trends related to land, launched a new monthly survey, the LANDTHINK Pulse.

We are asking our fans, followers, and professionals all across the country with connections to the land industry for participation. Each respondent will be entered to win a $50 Amazon gift card! For those of us with a common interest in land, the results of this one, straightforward question will provide interesting insight into the land real estate market.

LANDTHINK will be reporting the results the first of next month, when we will be kicking off a brand new June Pulse question. When submitting your response, we ask that you provide your email address so that we may notify the winner of the $50 Amazon gift card. We assure you that we will not share your email address with anyone.

This new monthly survey question is designed to be different, fun and interesting for all our subscribers, while providing a “pulse” of the every-changing land market including an industry perspective on trends, the land market temperature, what areas are thriving or merely surviving and much more. Thank you for participating and for supporting LANDTHINK, LANDFLIP, and our expanding network of land for sale websites. We endeavor to keep devising ways to help promote and further the growth of the land industry.

Click here to answer the May pulse question now before time runs out! The month is only half over and we’ve already been inundated with responses, so keep the responses coming folks and please share the survey with your friends and connections!

If your business would be interested in sponsoring our new monthly LANDTHINK Pulse question, contact us. LANDTHINK, LANDFLIP, LOTFLIP, FARMFLIP and RANCHFLIP will provide national exposure across our entire network of sites and social media outlets.


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