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The LANDFLIP NETWORK should be the starting point for anyone buying or selling land, farms, ranches, and lots! We take pride in helping buyers locate the land of their dreams and providing sellers with an easy to use platform for advertising land for sale, farms for sale, ranches for sale, lots for sale, and land auctions. The LANDFLIP BLOG serves as an extension to connect with our audience, share updates, and brag a little bit about our customers, most of whom rank tops in the land industry!

Featured Land: Parker Farm in Georgia

The Parker Farm

Located in the heart of Southwest Georgia, the 270 Acre Parker Farm is an ideal income-producing irrigated farm. Just minutes from Lake Blackshear Resort and Golf Club, this one-of-a-kind farm consists of income-producing irrigated crop fields, CRP longleaf pines, and the original home place. This area of Georgia is well known for its high quality agricultural presence and excellent hunting.


RecLAND Realty: “All We Do Is Land”

RecLAND Realty LLCWith an experienced staff of land professionals, RecLAND Realty, based in Monroe, Louisiana, has been assisting buyers and sellers of land as well as offering a variety of forestry services. This real estate brokerage firm, where the motto is “All We Do Is Land”, specializes in hunting land, timberland and farms. Occasionally, RecLAND Realty will list land that has a residence on it, but they offer a wide range of experience with pine and hardwood timberland, coastal marsh land, CRP and WRP tracts, waterfront and river tracts and farm land of most types.


Spotlight: Rusty Hamrick, LANDTHINK Contributor

Rusty HamrickRusty Hamrick, land broker and founder of Huff Creek Properties, is one of the newest additions to our experienced panel of LANDTHINK Contributors. In the short amount of time, he has written many informative articles for LANDTHINK.com, our sister site that is an authoritative online resource for advice, knowledge, opinions and trends related to land. He, and the entire panel of regular LANDTHINK Contributors, choose to share their expertise and experiences on an array of land topics to help buyers and sellers navigate the real estate land market and be in the know on current land topics.


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