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Income-producing Timberland in Alabama

Whoever stated that “money doesn’t grow on trees” never looked at the 684 +/- acre Wawbeek Tract, located in Escambia County, Alabama. New to the market, this tract is one of the finest timber investments to hit the market in Alabama in many years. With almost 575 acres of planted pines either merchantable or near ready for thinning, the Wawbeek Tract will generate revenue for many years into the future.


Private South Georgia Hunting Retreat

This one-of-a-kind, 101 +/- Acre Hunting Retreat in Clinch County, Georgia, offers more privacy than you could imagine. The property is tucked away from everything, surrounded by more than 7,000+ acres- the closet resident being at least one mile away. One can honestly say they will not find you unless you show them the way!


Beautiful Turn Key Agricultural Estate

Campbellton Farms, in Jackson County, Florida, is the most beautiful turn-key agricultural estate and investment available on the market today. The farm is 766 acres of rolling pastureland and cropland, fully fenced, with open hardwood and pine hammocks and ponds, giving the property a unique Old World character. The beauty of the landscape is matched by that of the luxurious estate home, a second farmhouse, large enclosed metal equipment building, and long list of included machinery, finalizing this all-inclusive opportunity as one of the best values in high-class country living currently for sale. There are no limits to the enjoyment that a property of this caliber provides! This Florida farm for sale is located just 20 minutes south of Dothan, Alabama, and less than an hour from Panama City, Florida.


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