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Turnkey Working Ranch that Supplies World Class Hunting

The Dos Hermanos Ranch is one of the finest turnkey hunting and recreational ranches on the market in Texas today. Providing both world-class white-tailed deer hunting along with some of the best wing shooting in Texas, this ranch is a sportsman’s paradise. No details were spared in the development of the property and with all of the infrastructure already in place, the ranch is ready for new owners to start enjoying it from day one.


Pine Island Plantation Offers Stunning Views of St. Helena Sound

Owned by the same family since 1960, Pine Island Plantation is looking for a new steward. The property totals 479 +/- acres and features a beautiful 77 +/- acre island. To get to the island, take a drive down the scenic 1.75 mile road to get to the entrance of the 2,150 ft. causeway that will take you over Pine Island Creek to get to Pine Island. Stunning views across the St. Helena Sound to Edisto Beach and out to the Atlantic Ocean are a bonus to the already impressive plantation.


Three Creeks Plantation Offers Hunting, Timberland, & Hay Production

The beautiful 3 Creeks Plantation, located in Webster County, Georgia, is a one-of-a-kind, 2,149.5 +/- acre hunting plantation. The property boasts long frontage on the Kinchafoonee Creek, Choctahatchee Creek, and Hog Branch. In recent years, the property has been used for recreational hunting, timber production and approximately 208 +/- acres have been placed into hay field/open land.


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