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Featured Land: Turkey Walk Ranch in Millen, Georgia

Turkey Walk Ranch

The 253 acre Turkey Walk Ranch in Jenkins County, Georgia, is a first class, multi-use, turnkey property. The property features a 3BD/1BA renovated brick home, which is nestled in a pecan orchard that is also fenced. Peaceful and private, the home makes for a very comfortable stay on the farm and the covered deck on the back is a perfect observation station for the daily routine of the large flock of turkeys on the property! The yard is filled with beautiful fruit trees and grapes.


Featured Land: Elko Creek Shooting Preserve in Georgia

Elko Creek Shooting Preserve

The Elko Creek Shooting Preserve, located in Houston County, Georgia, is an ideal recreational and timberland investment located in the heart of Central Georgia. The 509 acre tract is loaded with all types of wild game and surrounded by large landowners. The property consists of well managed and heavily stocked pre-merchantable and merchantable pine and hardwood bottoms. Property is easily accessible from I-75, with an easy drive to Perry, Warner Robins, Macon and Atlanta. Listed for sale at $1,068,900.


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