
Are you a LANDFLIP customer? If not, we think you should be. We love to brag about our valued customers! After all, without them you probably wouldn’t be reading this. The blog is a great place to talk about our customers, and share their successes and achievements with the land marketplace. We want to brag about you, too!

Success to the Tune of $5.6 Million

When you find a good thing that’s always a good thing.  When you find a good thing that works, that’s even better

John G. Rawls has been a LANDFLIP advertiser for almost 4 years. When John started advertising with LANDFLIP he was certainly not a computer whiz. To hear him tell it, he didn’t really know what to do with the computer or Internet – he just knew he needed to do something. John shared with us that since becoming a LANDFLIP advertiser he has sold $5.6 million dollars in land sales. “LANDFLIP works, and that’s why I use it.”


Don’t Ask Us, Ask Them

Potential advertisers usually have some questions when they create their LANDFLIP account, but one is almost always certain to be asked. “What makes your site different from other land listing sites?” Well, I could answer and just say “a lot” but that would probably not be an acceptable answer to someone looking to invest their marketing dollars wisely.


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