Auction Spotlight: 33,667 +/- Acre Hager Farms in 6 Counties in Kansas

Hager Farms AuctionFor over half a century, Hall and Hall has recognized the value of a good reputation and has been diligently working to maintain the original principals of its founder, Henry Hall.

While the marketplace has certainly changed over the years, their founding principals have not. Today, anyone in need of real estate services should look no further than Hall and Hall. Now in its third generation of family operation, the company continues to build on over a half century of trust and experience.

The Hager Farm and Ranch Auction is a collection of properties amassed over several decades. This large holding, totaling 33,667 +/- deeded acres, is comprised of 16,346 +/- acres of farmland and 17,321 +/- acres of ranchland in six counties throughout western Kansas. The farmland will add well to an existing operation or investment portfolio and buyers will find the ranchland to be well maintained and cattle-ready. The land will be sold at auction in tracts and combinations, and the extensive line of equipment will also be sold at auction on a separate date.

Farmland Auction:
November 7th, 10 AM CDT
Auction Location: Wichita County Community Building in Leoti, KS

  • 15,993 +/- acres offered in 48 tracts and combinations
  • Includes 4 homes, 2 feedlots, grain and fertilizer storage and multiple shop buildings
  • All of seller’s interest in the growing crop will convey with the property
  • 75% of seller’s owned mineral rights will convey with the property

Meade County Ranchland Auction:
November 8th, 9 AM CDT
Auction Location: Meade County Fair Grounds in Meade, KS

  • 6,710 +/- acres offered in its entirety
  • Well watered, 4 windmills, 5 electric wells, 3 solar wells, 2 springs and 3.5 miles of Crooked Creek
  • 10 pastures with approximately 6 water sources in each pasture
  • The grass has been well cared for and stocked conservatively
  • 11 miles south of Meade, KS on blacktop road
  • Producing oil wells

Scott City Ranchland Auction:
November 8th, 3 PM CDT
Auction Location: William Carpenter Building in Scott City, KS

  • 10,984 +/- acres offered in 5 Tracts and Combinations
  • Tracts 1 & 2 include 15 pastures, 7 wells and over 50 water tanks
  • Historical Butterfield Trail follows the Smoky Hill River across the entire ranch from the east to the west
  • Tracts 3, 4 & 5 include 4 pastures, 11 water tanks and 3 windmills
  • Good fences

Hager Equipment Auction:
Wednesday, December 4th, 2013: 10:00 AM CDT
Location: On Property – Tract 45
Equipment auction will be conducted by Sheridan Auction and Realty in cooperation with Hall and Hall Auctions. For questions regarding the equipment auction or to request a full color equipment brochure please call 517-676-9800.

Hall and Hall is a legend in ranch stewardship and strive to make land ownership and management a positive and rewarding experience for their clients. They lead the way in the sale of ranches and a wide variety of investment grade rural real estate, throughout the Rocky Mountain west.

Contact Scott Shuman, CAI, with Hall and Hall for details, maps, brochure, terms of sale, disclosures, and other information pertaining to the Hager Farm auction in Kansas. Two information sessions are scheduled, one on October 9th from 10AM-12PM CDT and 2PM-4PM CDT, and one on October 23rd from 10AM-12PM and 2PM-4PM CDT. The sessions will be held at Leoti Wichita County Community Building in Leoti, Kansas and the Scott City William Carpenter Building in Scott City, KS.

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