Longleaf Pine Savanna Habitat Offers Tremendous Hunting

Longleaf Pine Savanna Habitat Offers Tremendous Hunting

This online auction event is for 1,704 +/- Acres in Allen Parish in Southwest Louisiana. Minimum Bid is $749,000. Bid deadline is March 28th, 2019, at 5:00 PM CST.

In 2012, a majority of this property- 1,486 +/- acres – was restored from pine plantation back to the historic, and now rare, longleaf pine savanna habitat and protected with a conservation easement (Lands with Servitude). You will see and hear the beautiful Bobwhite Quail and other species that thrive in this habitat. Areas of hardwoods and small creeks provide additional food and a water source for Whitetail Deer. There is no lack of bedding area and browse to hold these deer.

In addition to the opportunity for tremendous hunting or wildlife viewing, the plans for the addition of a camp pad and electrical for the Non-Servitude acres are already in process. Gated roads traverse the property for access in and around. This Louisiana recreational land for sale is a great value.

Property Details:

  • Quiet location
  • Restored habitat
  • Food, cover, water
  • Gated, internal roads
  • Areas for food plots
  • Great wildlife viewing
  • Beautiful scenery

Contact Debi Roks, Event Manager with LFC Marketing Services. For property documents and other information pertaining to this March 28th auction of Louisiana land visit https://fre.com/275-3/auction/Allen-Parish-LA. Spanning almost four decades, from traditional live, outcry auction events to 100% online auctions on FRE.com, the LFC Group of Companies has sold billions of dollars’ worth of real estate globally for clients. They provide turnkey auction marketing services for all types of real property, including analysis, evaluation, advertising/public relations, sales and closing supervision. With offices in Newport Beach, California, USA, and Dubai, United Arab Emirates, LFC services clients throughout North and South America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Australia.

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