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Large Acreage Timberland with Protected Resources

The Brunswick Forest is located in Brunswick County, North Carolina and contains 3,668 acres in two tracts. The property, subject to a perpetual conservation easement that prohibits conversion to non-forest uses while providing for ongoing sustainable forest management and recreational uses, including a reserved 1-acre lot for a cabin, is being offered for sale in its entirety. As the conservation easement prohibits any further divisions, offers will not be considered for individual tracts.


Timberland Property with Water Feature Offers Many Diverse Uses

This 243 +/- acre tract near Arcadia in Bienville Parish, Louisiana, is a unique tract with diverse possible uses. It includes various buildings, timber, and lake. The property was used as children’s home and retreat center and has several large, multi-use buildings, a large log house, and a large 2-story home along with numerous smaller sheds.


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