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Recreational and Timber Investment Opportunity in the Florida Panhandle

Located in high-demand Gadsden County, Florida, just 25 minutes to Capital Circle in Tallahassee, turn-key Bear Creek Ranch makes a perfect recreational and timber investment in the growing heart of the Florida Panhandle. This is an area known for excellent hunting. The property has been recently reduced, and boasts a hunting cabin with power, water and septic, paved road frontage, 4,000 feet of Bear Creek frontage with additional feeder creeks, planted and natural longleaf pine timber, majestic live oaks and mast-producing hardwoods, established food plots and road system, and great hunting.


Broadhead Creek Landing: River Property with Sound Timber Equity

If you have always wanted a river property with sound timber equity in Alabama’s ag country, Broadhead Creek Landing deserves getting to know. When you visit this 353 +/- acre property, you’ll want to stay longer. On paper, this investment makes sense. If your money isn’t growing like you think it should, consider a safe investment you can enjoy year-round while leaving a legacy for your family.


Alabama Farm Is Optimally Managed for Ultimate Recreation

The Headwater Tree Farm, located in Montgomery County, is in Alabama’s fertile Black Belt soil region that is home to some of the best hunting in the Southeast. The property is connected to thousands of acres of bottomland hardwoods and flanked by fertile agriculture fields. On paper, the property is a great land investment. In person, you can see it is a great representation of a complete farm where sound management practices have been executed for decades.


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