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Belle Grove Estate Nestled in the Heart of North Florida

Under the eaves of ancient oaks in the heart of beautiful North Florida sits a property steeped in history, as unique and rare as it is lovely. Belle Grove Estate rests on the picturesque banks of Hickstown Marsh near Madison, Florida, surrounded by giant live oaks and timber. Here early Americans thrived, wars were fought, bootleggers preserved their heritage, locals enjoy the bounty of wildlife and adventure the marsh and woodlands provides, and friends and families congregate to celebrate momentous occasions in this special place.


Quality Hunting Property with Significant Timber Value

The aesthetic 351 +/- acre Heavily Timbered, Multiple Creeks Olive Tract has been in the same family for generations. It is an excellent timber investment opportunity, and is a quality hunting property. Located in Talbot County, Georgia, the tract is heavily timbered with fully stocked 25 +/- year old natural pine with some hardwood that has never been thinned, with several creek bottoms with mature mixed hardwood. A new timber cruise is available to serious prospects.


Mayhill Homestead Ranch on the Rio Penasco River

Situated on the eastern slope of the Sacramento Mountains, in Mayhill, New Mexico, you’ll find the Mayhill Homestead Ranch. A scenic 131 +/- acre blend of farming, ranching, recreation and wildlife with up to 70 acres of irrigable ground. The newly listed ranch features over one mile (both banks) of the Rio Penasco River and directly abuts Lincoln National Forest.


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