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Wright’s Creek Farm: Live, Farm, and Hunt in Alabama

Are you looking for a homestead to farm and hunt, a weekend getaway, or just a good land investment? Wright’s Creek Farm has the perfect mix of fields, woods, water, and a barn less than 20 miles from the Ross Clark Circle in Dothan. Located in south Geneva County, Alabama, it has over 800′ of frontage on Grant Road, a well-maintained dirt road just south of the small town of Slocomb.


Unique Alabama Wildlife Preserve with Timber Income

Welcome to Circle N Farm, which consists of approximately 3,950 +/- acres located in east-central Alabama and lies in the Appalachian Plateau soils region. Circle N Farm began with a single purchase of just a few acres marked with a large noble oak located in the heart of the farm. The Farm, as the family refers to it, has since grown to several thousand contiguous acres.


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