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Alabama Farm with Home and Agricultural Features

Sandy Ridge Farm is a 217 +/- acre cattle and row crop farm located near Athens in Limestone County, Alabama. This is one of the most manicured farms you will find. The farm is set up for a purebred or commercial cattle operation and is currently running registered Angus cattle. The pastures are fenced and cross fenced for rotational grazing, equipped with an automatic water system to accompany the grazing rotation. The improved forage types include Bermuda for most of the summer forages, cool season perennials include Fescue.


High Mountain Ranch with National Forest Boundary

Solitude Springs Ranch is a 300 +/- acre high country paradise located just 12 miles south of Gypsum, Colorado, the I-70 corridor and 45 minutes from Vail. This classic high mountain property has incredible topography, water and habitat for big game animals. With a picturesque Colorado landscape, multiple springs and creeks, and expansive private national forest boundary, this property is hard to beat for its size as a premier wildlife sanctuary.


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