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Alabama Recreational Land is a Blank Canvas

The Bear Creek Tract is a 225 +/- acre tract located in Northern Dale County, Alabama, in the Peniel community. This remote tract is secluded and surrounded by large acreage timberland tracts. This newly listed property offers excellent hunting opportunities, right at half a mile of road frontage on county road 309, rolling topography with plenty of room for several home sites, a gorgeous hardwood bottom filled with mast producing oaks and year-round water, food plots, great internal road system, and most importantly peace and quiet.


Stunning High Mountain Ranch with Well-Appointed Home

Located at the end of the road and protecting thousands of acres of National Forest, the Sweetwater Ranch is a stunning piece of property highlighted by its exceptional views, 3,250 sq. ft. home, and very good big game hunting. The newly listed ranch, located in Garfield County, Colorado, is comprised of approximately 113 acres and has good access to Eagle, Vail, Beaver Creek, and Eagle Reginal Airport- all within 45 minutes.


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