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Beautiful Tennessee Farm Offers Homesites, Views, Recreation

The spectacular Cool Springs Farm in Williamson County, Tennessee, checks all the boxes. For the private estate buyer, your homesite choices are many. Choose from numerous very private locations high atop and enjoy the million-dollar views extending for miles. The 2 acre pond and blue-line creeks add the icing to the cake. For the investor or developer, this property is zoned Rd-5 and boasts nearly 1 mile of road frontage for many ingress, egress options.


Mississippi Farm Offers Several Means of Income, Lakes

Let me introduce this amazing 415 +/- acre tract known as Matubby Creek Farm. With breathtaking sunrises, mallards, bucks, quail and doves, this newly listed tract has it all. It is conveniently located in Monroe County, Mississippi, on four-lane Hwy 45 outside of Aberdeen and only 35 miles from Tupelo. It has several means of income including hunting lease, 252 acres of tillable farm lease, 45 acres of pasture lease, and house rent.


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