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Alabama Cattle Farms Boasts Three Bodies of Water

BranMar Farm is a beautiful cattle farm and timberland property for sale in Chilton County, Alabama. This is one of those unique opportunities to purchase a property that has truly been loved and well-cared for through the years. When you drive through the gate, you can take a deep breath and settle into the peaceful atmosphere. This is a place where the stresses can melt away.


Colorado Ranch with Three Homes Offers Multiple Income Streams

The gorgeous Pine Meadow Ranch is a 80 acre property with exceptional irrigation in the Pine River Valley, just 5 minutes north of Bayfield. The property, located in La Plata County, Colorado, has many possible uses and income streams. There are 3 homes, equestrian barn, workshop, loafing shed and large spring fed pond stocked with Trout. Mineral rights are included and generate very nice monthly royalty payment. Bordered on 3 sides by a large ranch with conservation easements which limit future development.


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