Featured Auction: 10,560 +/- Acres Tillable & Irrigated Farmland in Texas

Featured Auction: 10,560 +/- Acres Tillable & Irrigated Farmland in Texas

The Schrader Real Estate & Auction Company team is proud to offer their professional auction marketing services. Their principals are certified auctioneers and real estate brokers and each holds professional designations, including membership in the Certified Auctioneers Institute (CAI). The comprehensive marketing services Schrader Real Estate & Auction Company provide and their proven record exceeding our clients’ expectations are what set them apart.

On Thursday, March 26th, at 10:00 AM, bidders will assemble for a Land Auction, 10,560+/- Acres in Hartley County, Texas. Located 15 miles Northwest of Dumas and 20 miles Southeast of Dalhart, this property is a rare investment opportunity and the portfolio includes a high percentage of tillable acres with excellent soils and a high percentage of irrigated acres. The property will be offered in 10 tracts, ranging in size from 640 +/- acres to 1,920 +/- acres.

  • Over 10,000 FSA Cropland Acres
  • Nearly 7,000 Irrigated Acres
  • 21 Irrigated Circles

Tract Descriptions: (for full descriptions visit their website)

Tract 1: 640 +/- acres.
FSA Cropland Acres: 610.29
Approx. Irrigated Acres: 500 +/-
2015 FSA Wheat Acres: 250

Tract 2: 640 +/- acres
FSA Cropland Acres: 632.07
Approx. Irrigated Acres: 371+/-
2015 FSA Wheat Acres: 190

Tract 3: 960 +/- acres
FSA Cropland Acres: 948.77
Approx. Irrigated Acres: 750 +/-
2015 FSA Wheat Acres: 375

Tract 4: 960 +/- acres
FSA Cropland Acres: 941.1
Approx. Irrigated Acres: 749 +/-
2015 FSA Wheat Acres: 249.6

Tract 5: 1,920 +/- acres
FSA Cropland Acres: 1857.96
Approx. Irrigated Acres: 984 +/-
2015 FSA Wheat Acres: 245.47
Improvements/Irrigation/Description: This tract includes 548.7 acres CRP paying $38.91/ac through 9/30/2015

Tract 6: Tract 6: 1,280 +/- ac
FSA Cropland Acres: 1259.37
Approx. Irrigated Acres: 997+/-
2015 FSA Wheat Acres: 248.09

Tract 7: 640 +/- ac
FSA Cropland Acres: 633.39
Approx. Irrigated Acres: 503 +/-
2015 FSA Wheat Acres: 250

Tract 8: 1,920 +/- ac
FSA Cropland Acres: 1878.23
Approx. Irrigated Acres: 1502 +/-
2015 FSA Wheat Acres: 500.50

Tract 9: 960 +/- ac
FSA Cropland Acres: 701.72
Approx. Irrigated Acres: 131+/-
2015 FSA Wheat Acres: 125
Improvements/Irrigation/Description: Older headquarters location including shop, apartment and (6) old steel grain bins

Tract 10: 640 +/- ac
FSA Cropland Acres: 628.03
Approx. Irrigated Acres: 496 +/-
2015 FSA Wheat Acres: 247.89

Buyers will have the option of bidding on these tracts at the auction site, or live online at www.schraderauction.com. Bidders must register by March 19th to bid online. For details call 800-451-2709. The site of the upcoming auction will be Rita Blanca Coliseum, 1219 W FM 281 Dalhart, TX 79022.

The property is available for inspection prior to the sale. Open House will be held on Thursday, March 12th from 10AM-12PM. Contact Schrader Real Estate & Auction Company and visit their website for detailed information booklets, due-diligence materials, and other information such as soil maps, water information, permits, and tax information.

LANDFLIP is proud that Schrader Real Estate & Auction Company choose to advertise their land auctions on LANDFLIP. Take a look at all of their offerings on LANDFLIP’s network of websites- LOTFLIP, FARMFLIP, and RANCHFLIP.

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